El pasado 13 de noviembre de 2009, la Directiva Regional Sur llevo a cabo su primer Campamento de Directivas de Capitulo de la Region Sur en la Escuela Residencial Vocacional Agricola Jose B. Barcelo de Adjuntas. El mismo conto con miemboros de los distintos capitulos de la region sur. El mismo fue una experiencia inolvidable y un tanto fuera de lo comun, yo como parte de la directive region sur les puedo decir tuvimos muchos contratiempos pero pudimos salir de ello de la major forma posible.
El check in estaba pautado para las 5 de la tarde, no esperabamos que nos comenzaran a llegar estudiantes antes de eso, pero para nuestar sorpresa el capitulo de la Escuela Superior Josefa Velez Bauza llego a eso de las 4 de la tarde cuando nosotros estabamos dando los toques finales para comenzar con los regirstros. Esto aunque fue inesperado no fue negativo en ningun aspecto, y el check in se llevo sin problema alguno, bueno en parte ya que estuvimos sin tesorero todo el campamento ya que Alberto no se presento y yo tuve que regresar a mi Antigua posicion de tesorero regional por 3 dias. La ceremonia de aperture se llevo acabo a eso de las 7 de la noche seguido de una dinamica para conocernos unos a los otros y un taller de motivacion presentado por la Primera Vice Presidente Jemaris Martes Villalobos. Esa noche teniamos pautada una fogata en el area de avicultura pero no se pudo realizar ya que no queria prender, se podria prender utilizando gasolina pero era un gran riesgo considerando que no sabiamos donde estaban las llaves de agua para poder extinguir las llamas.
El sabado y segundo dia de campamento comenzo muy temprano, comenzo a las 7:30 presentando un taller de comunicacion de este servidor acompañado de la Presidenta Regional Rosa Vargas Martes el cual termino con la realizacion de las ya tradicionales piramides FFA. Luego nosotros los oficiales regionals pudimos tomarnos un “tiempo libre” ya que luego se prosiguoio con un taller de Floricultura presentado por la Agronoma Nydia Nuñez y luego de ese uno de Gallos de pelea presentado por el Agronomo Juan Jimenez, major conocido como Andy. Luego salimos a almorzar esta vez acompañados de la pasada Secretaria Regional 2007-2008 y 2008-2009 Diamarys Cruz a la cual no veia desde mayo, fue bueno verla y ponernos al tanto y recordar lo que vivimos en todo un año como directiva regional.
De regreso a los talleres del dia con el taller de la Pasada Presidenta Estatal y madre de nuestra Primera Vice Presidente Regional, Marisol Villalobos el cual era uno sobre oratorias, para ayudar a nuestos proximos oficiales regionales tanto en ese concurso como para que cojan confianza escenica y siguiendo con los talleres de los pasados Presidentes Estatales se presento la Presidenta Estatal 2008-2009 Gabriela Nazario para presenter un taller sobre trabajo en equipo el cual se robo el show con las dinamicas que utilizo. Para terminar las actividades de la tarde se celebro un Scavenger Hunt en los predios de la residencial y para finalizar se hizo el ya tradicional taller de los oficiales, el cual se basa en que cada estudiante valla con el official regional que tiene su mismo puesto para que este le explique como funciona y como se trabaja en este puesto.
Ya habiendo finalizado con los talleres era hora de tomar un tiempo para confraternizar, tanto charlando y compartiendo experiencias entre nosotros y mas con la mini fiesta que se celebro esa noche. Todo aparentaba muy bien esa noche, pero siempre hay algo que no las pone dificil. Nos quedamos sin agua, toda la comunidad no tenia agua y el tanque de agua se vacio por completo, lo que significa que nos quedamos sin la reserve y lo peor de todo, faltabamos de bañarnos Gabriela y yo, que nos estabamos volviendo locos por que realmente queriamos darnos un baño. Pero hubo una luz al final del tunel, gracias a Nydia Nuñez nos comunicamos con los bomberos y estos fueron y nos llenaron el tanque de agua y finalmente nos pudimos dar ese tan deseado baño. Luego de todo esto nos reunimos todos al frente de las residencias a hablar y estuvimos ahi hasta las 2 de la mañana lo que estuvo bastante chevere pero si estabas tan cansado de tanto trabajar como yo lo estaba pues no fue muy placentero.
Ya en el ultimo dia de campamento solo nos restaba la ceremonia de entrega de certificados y la ceremonia de aperture, por lo mismo comenzamos la actividades a eso de las 10 de la mañana. Recibimos la visita de el Sentinela Estatal y mi gran amigo Jorge Carreras el cual nos puso al tanto de varias actividades que estaban a la vuelta de la esquina. Luego realizamos la entrega de certificados y la ceremonia de clausura. Fue un fin de semana muy trabajoso, pero al final de todo valio la pena. Valio la pena el solo haber sido un modelo y darles consejo a los oficiales de capitulo y proximos oficiales regionales para que puedan llevar a su capitulo lo mas alto possible y en un future a nuestra region. Se nos presentaron miles de contratiempos pero no las arreglamos para poder sobrepasarlas. Por este medio quiero agradecerles al Agronomo Eduardo Ortiz y a la Sra. Denise Ramos madre de Gabriela Nazario por haber sacado una noche de sus vidas y quedarse con nosotros para que esta actividad se pudiese llevar acabo. De verdad que sin ustedes no se hubiera realizado y obviamente agradecerle al hombre que estuvo detras de todo esto a el Agronomo Javier Hernandez Velez, el cual nos ayudo en todo momento.
My Experience in the National FFA Organization
“I am a Future Farmer of America adventurous of life and living is my challenge.” That is a phrase, used by the members of the FFA Puerto Rico Association to show their pride for being part of this organization. This is a huge part of my life because it has influence on my character and leadership. This organization has done a lot of things for me and now is time for me to return the favor. This organization has existed for 82 years in the USA and the Puerto Rico Association is celebrating its 75 year, our Diamond Anniversary and I'm proud for being part of it for seven years unfortunately I have until the age of twenty one to be part of the organization but after that I could be part of the collegiate chapter in the UPR of Mayaguez and the FFA Alumni Organization that is made for former members who want to support our agricultural education.
The National FFA Organization is an American youth organization known as a Career and Technical Student Organization, based on middle and high school classes that promote and support agricultural education. This organization, founded in 1928 as Future Farmers of America, now has over 507,763 members in 7,439 chapters throughout all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. In 1988 the name of the organization was changed to the National FFA Organization to reflect the expanding career field of Agricultural Education. Our mission is to make a positive influence in the life of the students by contributing on the development of their capabilities for the excellence of leadership, the personal development and the professional success through agricultural education.
Like I mentioned earlier I have been part of this organization for seven years that I won’t forget. I entered to this organization when I was in the seventh grade practically as a mistake. I entered when I was taking the agricultural education class and the teacher talked to the group about this organization and I figured what I have to lose by giving it a chance I mean the only requirement to be a member is take or have taken the vocational agriculture course. So I entered and I was elected Vice President of my chapter. That same year I receive the Star Green Hand Degree which you receive when you get officially initiate in the organization and you’re the most successful student from the new members. Now they're also various events called Career Development Events (CDEs) some examples of these are: vegetable production, pig farming, coffee, dairy cattle, starchy foods, citrus and much others. They also have other events called Leadership Development Events (LDEs) like parliamentarian procedure, Spanish and English prepared and spontaneous public speaking and much others, and my advisor (another name for the teacher) wanted me to compete in vegetable producer in the CDEs and Spanish Public Speaking in the LDEs. I have no problem with the Vegetable Producer part but I kind of struggle with the Public Speaking. At the end he convinced me and I participated winning the Second Prize at the Southern Region Convention. After this amazing year I decided to keep growing in this organization.
After that year I became Chapter President for the next 4 years. In those years I have the opportunity to assist to the FFA Puerto Rico Association State Convention and it was an amazing experience. That same year I won my first First Prize at a State Convention in vegetable production. But there was something I couldn't do. I wanted to enter the regional directive team but I never had the chance of doing it because I didn't have transportation to assist the reunions and activities so I decided to continue in the organization hoping some other year the opportunity would present itself again. In my fifth year in the organization; I won the First Prize at the Southern Region Convention and went on to win a Second Prize at the State Convention. After receiving my prize the opportunity presented itself again. So I took it and I was elected to be in the Southern Region Directive Board as the Treasurer and what a year it was. I met some good friends that were part of my directive board like: Julio, Jaznely, Jaime, Diamaris, Yair, Yolimar and my best friend in the organization Jorge. Also I met some awesome friends in the ex State President Gabriela and the former Western Region Reporter Lorraine. But nothing was more amazing than making the Southern Region Regional Convention and helping in the making of the State Convention. That was an experience I will never forget and I’ll have the chance of doing it again now that I'm the new Southern Region Second Vice President and future candidate for the State Officer Team. I can't wait until March for that to happen.
The National FFA Organization has made a huge influence in my life. To me this organization is not just another club, organization or hobby. It’s much more than that. It’s a lifestyle. My lifestyle, a lifestyle of agricultural education, the life on the farm and the leadership that the organization itself has to offer. Better yet, the philosophy of my life. This organization has made me a better person, leader, student and citizen by showing me the importance of agriculture in our lives and making me love and takes care of the environment and agriculture. It’s like the FFA motto says: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. I already did the first three parts of the motto, now it’s time that I return the favor to the organization by managing the Southern Region and making it one of the best in the Nation and hopefully I’ll get the opportunity of doing that all over again but this time as an State Officer and making Puerto Rico the best Association in the Organization.
The National FFA Organization is an American youth organization known as a Career and Technical Student Organization, based on middle and high school classes that promote and support agricultural education. This organization, founded in 1928 as Future Farmers of America, now has over 507,763 members in 7,439 chapters throughout all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. In 1988 the name of the organization was changed to the National FFA Organization to reflect the expanding career field of Agricultural Education. Our mission is to make a positive influence in the life of the students by contributing on the development of their capabilities for the excellence of leadership, the personal development and the professional success through agricultural education.
Like I mentioned earlier I have been part of this organization for seven years that I won’t forget. I entered to this organization when I was in the seventh grade practically as a mistake. I entered when I was taking the agricultural education class and the teacher talked to the group about this organization and I figured what I have to lose by giving it a chance I mean the only requirement to be a member is take or have taken the vocational agriculture course. So I entered and I was elected Vice President of my chapter. That same year I receive the Star Green Hand Degree which you receive when you get officially initiate in the organization and you’re the most successful student from the new members. Now they're also various events called Career Development Events (CDEs) some examples of these are: vegetable production, pig farming, coffee, dairy cattle, starchy foods, citrus and much others. They also have other events called Leadership Development Events (LDEs) like parliamentarian procedure, Spanish and English prepared and spontaneous public speaking and much others, and my advisor (another name for the teacher) wanted me to compete in vegetable producer in the CDEs and Spanish Public Speaking in the LDEs. I have no problem with the Vegetable Producer part but I kind of struggle with the Public Speaking. At the end he convinced me and I participated winning the Second Prize at the Southern Region Convention. After this amazing year I decided to keep growing in this organization.
After that year I became Chapter President for the next 4 years. In those years I have the opportunity to assist to the FFA Puerto Rico Association State Convention and it was an amazing experience. That same year I won my first First Prize at a State Convention in vegetable production. But there was something I couldn't do. I wanted to enter the regional directive team but I never had the chance of doing it because I didn't have transportation to assist the reunions and activities so I decided to continue in the organization hoping some other year the opportunity would present itself again. In my fifth year in the organization; I won the First Prize at the Southern Region Convention and went on to win a Second Prize at the State Convention. After receiving my prize the opportunity presented itself again. So I took it and I was elected to be in the Southern Region Directive Board as the Treasurer and what a year it was. I met some good friends that were part of my directive board like: Julio, Jaznely, Jaime, Diamaris, Yair, Yolimar and my best friend in the organization Jorge. Also I met some awesome friends in the ex State President Gabriela and the former Western Region Reporter Lorraine. But nothing was more amazing than making the Southern Region Regional Convention and helping in the making of the State Convention. That was an experience I will never forget and I’ll have the chance of doing it again now that I'm the new Southern Region Second Vice President and future candidate for the State Officer Team. I can't wait until March for that to happen.
The National FFA Organization has made a huge influence in my life. To me this organization is not just another club, organization or hobby. It’s much more than that. It’s a lifestyle. My lifestyle, a lifestyle of agricultural education, the life on the farm and the leadership that the organization itself has to offer. Better yet, the philosophy of my life. This organization has made me a better person, leader, student and citizen by showing me the importance of agriculture in our lives and making me love and takes care of the environment and agriculture. It’s like the FFA motto says: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. I already did the first three parts of the motto, now it’s time that I return the favor to the organization by managing the Southern Region and making it one of the best in the Nation and hopefully I’ll get the opportunity of doing that all over again but this time as an State Officer and making Puerto Rico the best Association in the Organization.
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